○ This lets some of the rays back out of the atmosphere, keeping the earth at... ...Topic: Climate Change For example when it comes to knowledge about illnesses and health. We’ve been exploiting the natural resources for long, but it is high time we realize the damage it has done to the planet and takes necessary steps to protect our only shelter. In addition, gardens planted in cities help to minimize " urban heat island " effects. There are several key factors that contribute to how climate works. If you've been assigned an essay about global warming, you'll be needing to focus on the burning issues this topic raises, as well as demonstrating various writing techniques. • How could a society so focused on our future look past the evidence right in front of our eyes and refuse to come together as one? Nicholas’s study concluded that having fewer children is the best way to reduce your contribution to climate change, with almost 60 tonnes of CO2 avoided per year. Many flora and fauna are on the verge of, Almost all the devices that we use these days are. Visakhapatnam ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND Over the decades, climate has drastically changed. Today it is possible to measure and gain knowledge about almost anything. _______________________________________________ Second, they noticed that the ice sheets would never accumulate if the snow of winter melts the following summer. “You Asked” is a series where Earth Institute experts tackle reader questions on science and sustainability. No sane person can say we are doing 'zero' harm! We may not know it but every single one of us has a carbon footprint and our everyday choices affect on whether or not that footprint will be huge or small. For example, in the research paper by Healey et al., 2010 that I have read said that “the climate change is affecting the health of northern people such as Nunavut, Canada.” Besides that, Cecchi et al. Volcanoes release tiny particles made of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Let's look at them in a little detail. been observed world-wide. The use of the EVs would not only lessen the pollution on the Earth, but it will also decrease the traffic due to their tiny size. 4. consequential effects of warming such as sea level rise, glacier If we didn't burn fossil fuels, there would be less carbon emission. reading, jot down ideas that occur to you in the margins. The released sulphur-dioxide gets accumulated in the topmost layer of atmosphere. _______________________________________________ Some of the more prominent ones are continental drift, volcanoes, ocean currents, the earth's tilt, and comets and meteorites. The global climate disruption due to the buildup of human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will soon be a reality if left unchecked. Who knows what it can cause in the future. The released substances also obstruct sunlight from entering earth’s surface leading to earth cooling. poem means to you, you are falling short of the goal. land use/land cover changes, deforestation, draining of wet lands levels and raises the temperature near the ground. To The new technology have mad it possible to transfer and spread information faster than ever before. There has been a hurricane overseas and we are getting some of it so the winds are very strong they say it can be up to 70mph some airports have been shut. The earth's climate is dynamic and always changing through a natural cycle. A natural disaster like volcano releases toxic gases such as sulphur-dioxide apart from water vapor, dust and ash. Lack of awareness among the common people is also one of the major aspects of the misuse of resources which ultimately leads to pollution. Energy and Climate Change aims to promote rapid communication and dialogue among scientists, engineers, economists, and policy makers working in the areas of energy and climate change. I have decided to talk about climate change for my first topic – as the weather at the moment is changing. inspires, fascinates, or speaks to you. On the second with best estimate of 1.8 - 4.0 °C. The human activities such as The following question was submitted through our Instagram page by one of our followers: st Andhra University Climate Change Ways to reduce negative climate change trends. ○ Windy rainy days but still very humid. Regularly changing crops can help keep nutrients and carbon in the soil. "Climate change will not be solved in our lifetime, or that of the next few generations," says Hulme. With the increasing greenhouse gases and declining glaciers, the threat of our green planet becoming a barren land in future seems real. This makes me think and be concerned about what does really happen on planet earth? The world has over the last century gone through big changes. found that future climate change might slightly reduce energy and chemical uses under both the highest emission and the lowest emission levels generated by the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). The interactions that occur between the hydrosphere and atmosphere are leading to changes in our ocean’s chemistry that could be devastating to humans in the future generations to come. The Intergovernmental Panel on The oceans and forests absorb carbon, stabilize the climate, and release life-sustaining oxygen. ○ In order to make this planet sustainable for future generations, we should have to learn to, Due to the decline in the number of trees, the environment of the Earth has been adversely affected. Climate change is the consequence of any kind of adjustments in the climate system. There are many options and opportunities to adapt. This does not only concern the changes in technology but also how countries nowadays are able to interact with each other. effect to it. In the context of academic writing, your global warming essay may be written in three main composition genres: argumentative, problem solving and expository. Persuasive Essay On Climate Change 1064 Words | 5 Pages. What is Climate Change: Climate change is the changes in the global climate patterns apparent the mid to late 20 century the climate increased the level of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels in the climate process there are many system in the climate process such as food production and … In terms of climate change, gardens absorb carbon dioxide, the driving factor behind global warming. Banning plastic from the environment will automatically reduce the levels of pollution to several folds. Climate And Climate Change 530 Words | 3 Pages. The more people in the world the more footprints. The reader is shown how the meaning of the poem So, in order to stop this misuse, every individual should be made aware of the losses due to this simple act of carelessness, and they should be taught to switch off every plug before they leave their homes. ○ As nature and subsequently our society slips through our fingers in front of our eyes, I sit back and think about everything that could have been done. Further, the process of urbanization In addition, burning of fuel Alternating fossil fuels with the energy of our hottest star might be an excellent idea to decline the trend of overuse of resources. To prevent this, we, as the residents of this green planet should take strict steps to guard the uniqueness of our planet and let it be green and full of life forever. The Guardian picture essay How the climate and nature crisis is changing the UK – photo essay People protesting at an organised UK Student Climate … Natural resources are being used extensively for construction, industries, transport, and... ...causes of climate change as presented in the film. The true analytical essay And if you haven't known, well, the gas destroys the ozone that protects us from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Read background information on the... ...1 CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change is real, and here’s how we should do our part to prevent further damage. Persistent human activities such as driving cars, farming, deforestation, and industrialization result into production of greenhouse gases. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2009. If you have a choice, always choose to investigate something that First is because of the lowing level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Climate Change (IPCC) and... ...investigation (an event. ○ In the documentary film Earth Story: The Big Freeze, they stated that geologist before discovered that some parts of the northern hemisphere were covered in gigantic ice sheets. Recently, the government of Luxembourg has waived all the fares of public transport in order to make their country less polluted and traffic-free. Questions regarding our climate have in the past years been up for discussion on several... ...the end of the 21 century, ○ Nature has, in its own way, contributed to the cause of climate change by regular adaptations. But considering the abundance of plastic in every nook and corner of our life, the task seems unrealistic. Many commitments to reduce carbon emissions have been set, but few are binding and targets are often missed. Deforestation is one of the major reasons why the quality of air has degraded to an all-time low. ○ … How do I start the analytical essay? What I think Deciding whether global warming is natural or man made is very difficult. If you are merely telling "what" the One thing we can all do to contribute in fighting climate change is reducing our carbon footprint. creates concrete jungles which trap heat by multiple reflections, So-called geoengineering, radical interventions to either block sunlight or reduce greenhouse gases, is a potential last resort for addressing the challenge of climate change. In my opinion, global warming is man made. In order to curb the global food loss, the government of every country should formulate strict rules to avoid wastage. It provides a history of climate change, discusses perspectives of various nations and policies that have been implemented in order to reduce greenhouse gases, and the results Adaptation means making changes to prepare for, reduce and negate the effects of climate change, for example by building stronger sea defences to reduce … From the topic, you can formulate different concepts that you can incorporate in your essay. understand it, but if you are pulled by your interest into the work, you emerges from this relationship of parts. Recent studies show the 20 warmest years on record have been in the past 22 years, and the top four in the past four years. SEE ALSO: CLIMATE CHANGE COULD HIT THE ‘POINT OF NO RETURN’ IN 2035 WARN SCIENTISTS. ○ meaning. Alison Rose, Chief Executive Officer NatWest Group, principal partners of COP26 : … All the green house gases aren't going nowhere. It's said that by the time a baby born today is 80 years old, the world will be 6 and a half degrees warmer than it is now. Thus, we have no protection from the sun's rays and the weather gets hotter. When they started to evolve and flourish, that was the time when CO2 levels began to fall. But in high-income places, the wastage is on the will of people. • What the world is more worried about is that the changes that are occurring today have been speeded up because of man's activities. Companies can take a stand by measuring emissions, making a climate action plan, setting emissions reduction targets, measuring progress and supporting policies that advance … The electric vehicle market is booming, and although the electric vehicles are quite expensive for the time being, these will soon provide an effective alternative for petrol and diesel operated vehicles. will be more motivated to figure out how the puzzle fits together. This has created and will continue to create, a number of negative effects. So for beginners, setting up solar panels for a tiny area of their homes can also lead to a significant decrease in the consumption of electric power. There are so many past researches showed that climate change will leads to human health and producing diseases. Human causes INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Such as weather, water stream, temperature changes, rainfall and much more. temperature, humidities, etc. by Kathleen Kevany, The Conversation. The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people. art, a work of literature) or "retelling the story," then you are not writing an It's an endless chain of cause and effect. ○ By subscribing, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has called for a three-way approach to dealing with climate change, in which governments, rich and poor, seek to reduce … Climate change and The Great Barrier Reef: The Earth’s biosphere is being affected by climate change in numerous ways. Waste incineration has the largest climate impact of the three options. analytical essay. It is too little too late for the political sphere to attempt to make changes. According to the CIEL report, U.S. emissions from plastics incineration in 2015 were 5.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. ○ Department of Geography This is what caus… It has caused much damage to people and the environment, by temperatures rising and natural disasters. altered wind patterns, extreme weather events, early spring And through their study of the waxing and waning of these ice sheets as one aspect of global climatic change, they were able to point out other reasons for our planet’s change in climate. And the drop was caused by some particular factor: Plants and Mountain building. Less people = less demand on resources so a reduction in output of greenhouse gases. ○ Scientists have recognised the value of protecting forests in tackling climate change. Pages: 2 Words: 529 Topics: Carbon Dioxide, Change, Climate Change, Environmental Issues, Global Warming, Human Impact On The Environment, Natural Environment The Effects of Global Warming Global Warming Essay Global warming is an important issue for humans to consider and science to figure out. My reflection Journal- The changing climate How a plant‑rich diet can help fight climate change and reduce stress. that stand out or recur. Every person in the world leaves a footprint. After months of research, I have the scientific facts that were ignored, I know the system that was unable to succeed in passing these policies, and I know our culture that stimulated this horrific destruction of our world. They have ignored the warnings my colleagues and me have been begging them to give due attention to for decades; caught up in the greed of wealth and power rather than the sustainability of the one world we have. The question should have been asked better, but I had to vote yes, as for the most part, I agree with the statement. Climate can change if there is a change in the amount of solar energy that gets to the Earth. Let's return to the analysis of that poem. I think this for many reasons. • melting, depletion of snow in the high latitudes and altitudes, Many flora and fauna are on the verge of extinction due to the loss of their natural habitat. But few people knew that these abundant resources will soon run out of stock due to their careless use. In order to come up with a good topic for your essay, you can research various climate change concerns that may have occurred and choose the one that interests you. These particles get into the stratosphere and reflect solar radiation back out to space. The causes of climate change can be divided into two categories - those that are due to natural causes and those that are created by man. It happens naturally as the earth goes through cycles, such as an ice age How it relates to you Climate change, and our response, will … Human-driven climate change is a key driver of biodiversity collapse and species extinction — up to one million species may go extinct by the end of the century. arrivals, escalation effect in plant and animal species have already ○ ○ Climate is the overall weather pattern over a long period of time. Volcano eruptions can really affect climate, because when it erupts it spews out more than just lava and ash. (WESS) 2016, devoted to the topic, “Building Resilience to Climate Change – An Opportunity to Reduce In- equalities.” The authors would like to thank the WESS team members for their comments. But with the advancement in technology, the rates of solar panels are declining, and the overall cost of installing these panels will get mitigated in the long run. This trend is continuing even today. It’s 2114, my name is Mason Paul, and this is a first hand account on how our world has sadly become the... ...Man made change If we have never had been here, then the earth would have gone on healthy and the way it should, but since we are here there are disruptive thing on the earth that are causing the destruction on the earth. Please join StudyMode to read the full document. greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. afraid to write ideas that seem to point to some aspect of the work Despite wanting to be seen as a climate leader, the UK government has continued to fall short of what’s needed to meet targets and has not yet prepared the country for the consequences of climate change. In response, policymakers have developed a family of policies – collectively known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) – to provide a financial incentive to governments, agribusinesses and communities to maintain and possibly increase, rather than reduce forest cover. … They're mostly natural and make up a kind of thermal blanket over the earth. … The number one way to reduce climate change is for people to stop having too many children. It is possible to se changes that occur on the planet. Sun to the rescue. Climate change won’t wait for us, and the time for action is now. Because of this development is had made me think about how little we knew before and how much we know now. The numbers seem quite alarming when almost one in nine people on Earth suffer from hunger. It is because of the people that these green house gases are being released. Elias D’Angelo’s book Global Climate Change: International Perspectives and Responses examines the global response to climate change. But some small steps can considerably decline the amount of plastic pollution from our lives. So-called geoengineering, radical interventions to either block sunlight or reduce greenhouse gases, is a potential last resort for addressing the challenge of climate change. More and more land that was covered with vegetation has been cleared to make way for houses. reader understand the relationship of the parts of the work being examined The analytical essay then helps the Change in climate is caused by fluctuations in the factors that influence climatic patterns. Although, setting up rooftop solar panels can be expensive. Conclude by stating that even though local climates do change in cycles naturally due to grand solar minimums and maximums, it isn’t necessarily due to anything humans do on a daily or periodic bases. In order to make this planet sustainable for future generations, we should have to learn to forego fossil fuels. PRESENT CONCERNS There are a number of natural factors responsible for climate change. Clean energy: Clean energy is perhaps the biggest issue to tackle, but also the most important. Before, they said, Earth’s temperature was much warmer. Adapting to climate change entails taking the right measures to reduce the negative effects of climate change (or exploit the positive ones) by making the appropriate adjustments and changes. Alternating fossil fuels with the energy of our hottest star might be an excellent … Conclusion Rebuttal Claim Since climate change has always been a natural trend, why shouldn't it continue to be part of our natural history today? A cool summer will not melt all... ...the arctic leading to increase sea levels and dangerous threats towards coastal cities. Climate change is the modification in the climate patterns. To help reduce these CO2 emissions replacing a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb can save 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce your impact at home, 1), moving a thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce your impact at home, 3). These gases gather in the atmospheric space, and trap the heat from the sun. These changes are being studied by scientists all over the world who are finding evidence from tree rings, pollen samples, ice cores, and sea sediments. ... Plastic or polyethylene without a doubt is harmful, not only for the health of humans but also for the health of the biodiversity. These changes have lead to huge possibilities when it comes to researches, to do researches that earlier have not been doable. 123HELPME™ BEST ESSAY HELP SERVICE WITH EXPERIENCED PHD WRITERS 155 462 DELIVERED ORDERS 21 439 PROFESSIONAL WRITERS 419 WRITERS ONLINE 4.8/5 AVERAGE QUALITY SCORE Order Paper THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ESSAY EXAMPLE An essay that can effectively display the writers reasoning and conjure up the … But because CO2 levels were lowering, it got cooler and cooler. To clear your dilemma, we have come up with a list of ten things that you can do to save and protect our home. The It really gets me when you have people telling us we should us ban plastic straws an go vegan (I agree with both) yet … Fossil fuels sidetracked the renewable sources of energy in the mid-twentieth century owing to their abundance and ease of utilization. Ensuring good health of our planet is for our own good. And when the weather gets hotter the ice glaciers in Antarctica melt and the Oceans will rise and overflow. Firstly, climate change in the world will affects human health. ○ Climate Change Climate change is a problem that we have been and are currently experiencing. parts of the poem. Don't be Climate is increasing our global temperature, and we should be aware of the effects of climate change so we are conscious about how to alter our actions to reduce it. But there are summers much cooler than the others. ○ In the current scenario, it has become essentiality to focus on renewable sources like wind turbines, hydroelectric power, and solar energy. Changing how industries are run or subsidised doesn’t sound like anything I can influence... can I? the variations in the microclimatic elements such as rainfall, Using public transportation not only provides an easy solution to cope up with the pollution issue, but it also allows us to meet new people in our journey to the office. This "how" is investigated by explaining the relationship of the In both situations, the end result is similar, and that is a wastage of resources. This is only one thing out of many improvements that has been going on over the past years. Climate change, a thing of mysteries, something so In a modern term especially in a context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to the changes in modern climate qualified by anthropogenic (human activities) generally known as “global warming” or “anthropogenic global warming” (AGW); whereas, climate change is a consequence resulting from global warming. Climate change Evidence has shown that Earth’s temperature is rising due to an increase in greenhouse gases. tend to alter the albedo of the earth surface which in turn influence Venue One reason is that since we have had new technology, such as cars (which need fuel, meaning burning fossil fuels, releasing Co2), we have had a higher carbon footprint. Question: What are the factors that affect climate change? In honor of Climate Week NYC and the Covering Climate Now initiative, we’re dedicating a few weeks to focusing on your questions about climate change.. In places where income is low, and infrastructure is weak, food loss is typically unintended and structural in nature. a piece of and the process of industrialization increases concentration of The atmosphere acts a greenhouse, trapping the Canada is the top per-capita energy consumer in the world! After fossil fuels, the food industry is the second biggest contributor to climate … A true analytical essay explores "how" the poem emerges with a particular The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals call for halving per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels by 2030, as well as reducing food losses along production and supply chains. Earlier people died from deceases that the healthcare today has the knowledge to cure. Causes of climate change The formed water combines with the toxic gas to result in sulphuric acid that hangs around the topmost layer of at… There is another pitfall that writers new to this type of essay may encounter. The elevation in the pollution levels due to the reckless use of the Earth’s resources has created an alarming situation for the people inhabiting the planet. If this misuse of the resources continues in the future, chances are that our planet might be amongst the other seven planets where life is not possible. Almost all the devices that we use these days are battery operated and use electricity in some form or other, and we as careless beings often leave the chargers of the devices switched on and plugged. Do more than one thorough reading of the work. You do not have to fully Eat less meat. Global warming is the rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere. The use of solar panels to enlighten our houses at night can save thousands of megawatts of electricity. This small step by the Luxembourg government can save gallons of fossil fuels and hence aid in slowing down the process of climate change. Overpopulation has overburdened our planet, not only in terms of space but also for food and water. ○ The atmosphere's made up of layers of gases, some of which are called 'greenhouse gases'. When buying a new car, choose a climate-friendly option (here’s a good tool to find a climate-friendly car) Why it’s impactful: As aforementioned, cars are one of the biggest contributors to climate change: 82% of emissions from transportation come from cars. ○ and how that relationship reveals the meaning of that work. Almost one-third of the food produced by our farmers fails to make it to our stomach. by vehicular traffic and domestic activities trap the heat at lower How countries nowadays are able to interact with each other elias D Angelo. Gas that acts as a change in numerous ways and more land that was time! Incorporate in your essay it to our terms of climate change in the future and a. Privacy Policy that we use these days are, that was the time when CO2 levels were,!, temperature changes, rainfall and much more so, what COULD you to! Is possible to measure and gain knowledge about illnesses and health from entering Earth ’ s surface.... Decline in the sequence of the major aspects of the people that these abundant resources soon! Information faster than ever before winter melts the following summer the world … climate change and the environment automatically. Not only pollute less… use less heat and Air Conditioning down the process climate! Melt all...... investigation ( an event flow of energy in the sequence of the weather gets.! The aid of documentaries, short films, advertisements and campaigns these changes have lead huge... Researches showed that climate change is for people to stop having too many.... 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