Asmeru[2]Belsavis[1]Dolla[1]Karfeddion[2] [1], Under the Galactic Empire, the Senex-Juvex bordered the Ninth Quadrant, the Agarix sector, the D'Aelgoth sector, and the Hadar sector. The Senex-Juvex was a dense cluster of star systems distributed around the nebula Thull's Shroud. Affiliation Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps ; Senex Juvex Region The Senex Sector and Juvex Sector make up a region that is ruled over by noble houses, not far coreward from the Greater Javin. Meanwhile, the Republic forcibly annexed the Ninth Quadrant as part of the Bozhnee sector. A free online role-playing simulation game based on the Star Wars universe. senex \ˈse.neks\ masculin 3 e déclinaison, faux parisyllabique Vieillard, ancien. En 12 ABY, Luke Skywalker, sa compagne Callista et Leia … Of the seventeen families that originally set out from the Core, nine settled the systems in the eastern reaches of Thull's Shroud, forming the Senex, while eight families settled the western systems, forming the Juvex. [Source]. Ils ont pour instructions de nouer des contacts pacifiques et fructueux avec la population locale. Pour l’instant, les scènes les plus osées ont consisté en quelques baisers incestueux et roulades dans l’herbe. Nebulae Within a century, House Anturi had become House Picutorion, and the rebellious Juxex House Mekuun had dissolved its holdings and sought recognition as a Republic sector. See more ideas about star wars planets, planets, star wars. 1 Official ranks 1.1 Imperial family 1.2 Noble ranks 2 High nobility 3 Low nobility 4 Reformist nobility Direct descendants of the Emperor's … Star Wars : L'Atlas, volumineux ouvrage à portée encyclopédique par les spécialistes pointus Jason Fry et Daniel Wallace va vous surprendre, notamment par son niveau de détails ! It is rumored that they owned Aurra Sing before she became a bounty hunter. Prior to the Clone Wars, this sector was saved from wookiees by Jedi Master Knol Ven,nari. [2] At some point following the infiltration of Hivebase-1, the Imperial prison Accresker Jail was en route to Senex-Juvex where the Bandit purges were held.[3]. Following secret hyperspace routes that Vandron had discovered, they settled the systems around a nebula on the edge of the Mid Rim that was later named Thull's Shroud in Vandron's honor. La particularité du secteur Senex tient à sa forme de gouvernement : en effet, celui-ci est dirigé par une élite d'Anciennes Familles aristocratiques dont la plus prestigieuse est la Maison Vandron, dirigée par Lady Theala Vandron, mais les maisons Elegin de Drost Elegin et Garonnin sont également très puissantes. The Senex Trace stretched east to connect Karfeddion with the Rimma Trade Route near Sullust. Picutorion then began a war known as the Crimson Days, defeating the combined forces of Houses Vandron and Petro, freeing the Hutlarians from slavery, and occupying Karfeddion. Dictionnaire latin français et français latin, avec un analyseur de texte latin et de puissants outils de recherche. Senex-Juvex The wise old man (also called senex, sage or sophos) is an archetype as described by Carl Jung, as well as a classic literary figure, and may be seen as a stock character. [1], Following the defeat of the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars, the war hero and hyperspace explorer Thull Vandron was elected to the Galactic Senate. La version américaine de ce gros livre date de 2009 et sa traduction française chez Huginn & … Sith et Jedi se découvrent un ennemi commun terrifiant. Belsavis - Galaxie - Encyclopédie - Star Wars Universe. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Discuss. Sennex Slave Bunker. Asmeru était une planète désolée de la Bordure Médiane, dans le Secteur Senex. The Houses were forced to do business through front companies and criminal groups. Ils réveillent et libèrent par erreur un terrible criminel Rakata enfermé, en stase, dans la Chambre de l'Eternité depuis plus de 25000 ans. Formed as a rejection of centralized power, there was no government in the region beyond that of the noble houses, which controlled their own planetary fiefdoms. Edit. A system of royal and noble ranks was existed in the Galactic Empire since its Beorthram Althmark established the noble class in 7 IC. Neither Grand Admiral Thrawn nor the New Republic made significant inroads there during the Galactic Civil War. Juvex sector[2]Senex sector[2] Pourquoi ? Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, LUCAS George, Lucasfilm/20th Century Fox, 2005. Who's Who in Delegation of 2000, WALLACE Daniel, Star Wars Insider 85, 2005. Crueya Vandron held the title of Prince Senex, but rarely … The nobles had immense economic and political authority during the rule of the Althmark Dynasty. In the Juvex sector, Kassido was an urban world that controlled Coreward trade, making it one of the most-populated and wealthiest planets in the region; Deminol was a bustling port world known for its universities; Resti Kel was an industrial world controlled by House Kellermin, known for its athletic competitions; and Loovria was a world infamous for its gladiatorial fights. The wise old man can be a profound philosopher distinguished for wisdom and sound judgment. L’épisode 9 de “ Star Wars ” qui sortira le 18 décembre 2019 fait déjà causer. [Source], The Senex-Juvex was located in the galaxy's Mid Rim. Region(s) Desc.> Fenris is every bit of 7 and a half feet tall. [3], The Senex-Juvex accepted refugees during the early Yuuzhan Vong War, though many saw this as a cynical attempt to gain a new influx of slaves. The Republic was forces to leave after they suffered major losses, but further ones were prevented by Jedi Council member Olf'ar. Bandit purges[3] Scénario Star Wars : « Le temple oublié » Vos PJ se retrouvent sur Brosyck III avec pour mission de prendre le commandement de la petite station rebelle qui a été édifiée récemment. Le dictionnaire latin recherche parmi les formes déclinées et conjuguées, plus de 3 400 000 de formes latines répertoriées et 105000 sens. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Fenris Senex Dantari 23 years Sith Apprentice (Dark Side) 4 Red Lightsabers