Hideyoshi joined Nobunaga at a young age, but was not highly regarded because of his peasant background. Thank you. Hello! Family came from Hiroshima. Could you provide us with the family name in kanji characters that originated from Tokyo? Thanks for reaching out to us! Can you help me find my family crest and the meaning and history. Does our family/clan have a crest? Subcategories. https://www.ana-kutsu.com/laboratory/data/kamon_01_full.jpg, They also used another crest, “Ageha-cho” (揚羽蝶), the swallowtail butterfly which Oda Nobunaga used as well. So your family crest should be some kind of plum pattern: Ume-mon. Thank you so much!! I’ve become incredibly intrigued by this symbol and what it means. Perhaps this is the one you are looking for. Can you help? who was descendants of nemoto (for example minamoto or taira line)? What is the Nomura Family crest? They are originally from Gushichan Son Okinawa. The most prominent member of the clan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is known as one of the unifiers of Japan. We live in the states now. My grandpa was Hiroshima-ken. My daughter-in-laws maiden name is MIyake, she is from Kyoto….sorry for the miss information. That case, please consider our Research Report service. Thank you. My family is from Mikata, Japan. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%94%E5%A4%A7%E7%B4%8B#/media/File:Japanese_crest_Tuta.svg. Thank you so much! I will try to find out more specific information from my Father and get back with you. My father last name is Sato, he was born in Yamagata-ken, in 1936. The fish motif didn’t live up to this image since they go rotten pretty quick. I’ve just always been told that the “Maruni chigai takahona” was the symbol for Kobayashi. Our resources tell they are derived from neither of the Minamoto or the Taira clans. I am looking for an image fof 吉野 kamon. your grandparents on your mother’s side was working hard to recover from the war and build the country strong. My second great grandfather Kumajiro Tashiro was said to be a samurai in Kanagawa ken. With that information, we may be able to find out whether we have the resources for your family. His last name is Nishimura and her’s is Fujiyama. Toyotomi is a Clan in Nioh. I’m having a terribly difficult time locating the Kamon for the Mochizuki family, including the name of the Kamon and the history of the family itself. But no reference for other related family names or samurai family names, hence no clues. https://ka-ju.co.jp/plan/research/. Hi from Canada! Yes I remember now it means blue pond , I hope you find the family crest. Good day! She had sisters who were Professors in Universities. My mom just passed in August and her family name is Yamazaki. I unfortunately do not have any specific information to go off of. My family’s name is Hiraga (平賀) and I don’t find the family’s kamon. I know that our Japanese family name is Asaki, and we landed in CA in the 1920s. 2. Could you help me? However, we found the origin of the Muraki family in general and there are several family crests attached to different locations (prefectures). After their death, the Toyotomi clan dissolved, leaving the Tokugawa clan to solidify their rule of Japan and the last member of the Toyotomi clan was Tenshuni (1609–1645). My family name is Mizuno. I want to find my great-grandmother and great-grandfather’s crests. The symbols for the Arima clan and the Oda clan are very similar, and it is difficult to tell which is which. $16.00. Hello! hello!! So we can’t really relate this family to yours. Sorry to make you confused! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Alex_K_Hiroshima_Asano_kamon.svg/488px-Alex_K_Hiroshima_Asano_kamon.svg.png. when it was the warring states to distinguish the enemy from ally. It’s “Tsuta” (Japanese ivy) crest. He is regarded as Japan’s second ‘great unifier’, the first being Oda Nobunaga, and the third being Tokugawa Ieyasu. Oops! Sara, I would like to get as much information as possible about our family crest for “Tsuru”. He started as Nobunaga's sandal holder and worked his way to dominate over other warlords of his era. We’ll search your family crest with this one. I hope that with all this you can give me more information. Could you send us a picture of your family crest to take a look at? There was a sumo wrestler who used “Uraisami” as his ring name in Hyogo prefecture, people might have adopted the name since the Meiji period (1868-1912). That may give us a clue to find your family origin and the Kamon as well. We might be able to recognize what that really is and get a chance to see which clan it belongs to. It represents a certain family today as well. This crest was created by “Koito” family in Hitachi-no-kuni (present Ibaraki Prefecture) in comparatively recently years Shichi-Go-San: Japanese Celebration for Children Age of 7, 5, 3. They are derived from another powerful clan. So you’d like to know the possible kamon(s) for your family. Thanks for the comment! Is their a specific kamon for the family? my name is Raphael, and my Japanese family is in Brazil. In the second season of Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Kings, some men are formerly and part-time farmers forcibly recruited by either Toyotomi or his allies, or prisoners of war forced to defect to them. It also resembles the shape of a bird’s nest with eggs in it looking from above, therefore this Kamon is used in hope for family prosperity. This post is really great. Is there a website to get more of the family history? Is “Mikata” in Fukui Prefecture or Niigata Prefecture? Perhaps your family name should be “青池” (Aoike which means blue pond). Its been awhile since im doing my researches but with no success! Its design is unique, sophisticated, and each has its meaning. 03-sep-2019 - Mᴏnᴅᴏᴋᴏʀᴏ descrubrió este Pin. My name is mike I collect Japanese swords I recently purchased 2 authentic swords with the tri-force symbol engraved on them and with script engraved on the sword, Each sword had different script engraved on it – From what I can tell these swords originate from the Hojo Clan (Mitsuuroko – 3 scales), I was put in touch with people in Japan and China and they cannot read the script, The design of this sword is used in the Legend of Zelda video game, I wonder if you would please allow me to send you an email of a picture of the sword and a picture of the script on each sword and help me to figure out where these came from and what the script says, I would appreciate whatever help you can give me, So you’ve got two swords with Mitsu-uroko crest supposed to be originated from the Hojo clan. We have a kimono with that crest on the back and a couple of medallions that she said were the crest. So you have the armor with the family crest which looks similar to the Oda Mokko. I highly recommend this service provided by Hiroko Matsuyama and Patternz. The Mon of the Toyotomi Clan / Emblem of the Japanese Government Hakko-daiodo , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons At the same time as the heraldry was emerging in Europe, in Japan, a very similar system called Mon (紋) had emerged. There should be the Kamon inscribed on them. The Kamon you mentioned as Ikeda 1 is called “Mokko-mon” (Bird’s Nest Pattern). 池本 or 池元? the Emperor’s Crowning. Thanks for the quick reply, yes the kanji is 坂口 and by domicile, do you mean prefecture? Hi , I’m looking for Aoike family crest ? So you want to know the kamon of Kanakuri or Kanaguri family, however, we’re not taking Madame Matsuyama, Let us give you what we could think of now from your description. My family are the Suganuma (管沼) from a village called Kinotomura in Kitakanbara-gun and the aforementioned mon was on my ancestors graves in Honolulu. Thanks for contacting us! Later, it was adopted by Toyotomi Clan and many others; it is said that more than 140 variations of that crest exist. Having said that, it’s more common one family has one kamon but not more than that nowadays. The only one fish kamon we found is “Taki ni Koi” (carp swims up in the waterfall), its meaning is “succeed in life”. Any help would be appreciated. Each clan had a family crest of its own and these crests were widely displayed on war flags, armors, helmets, swords, kimonos, roof tiles, curtains, and even on the sidelines of the tatami flooring. If i recall it looked like to vertical arrows. The current leader of the clan is Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Can you help me? Tokugawa Ieyasu was appointed to Shogun in A.D. 1603, and the Edo period began. Can you help? Awaiting your response eagerly…. Expect a 55% increase, so multiply the % bonus you get from Toyotomi with .55 to get the true, expected (average) % increase to amrita and gold gain. Do you have any Idea Where I can find it? Any chance to get help with this? All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Because I can buy many objects with “平揚羽蝶” (Agehachō) such as lamps and pendants. Also, the name can be seen in Seiwa-Genji (one of Minamoto family) which were descendants of Emperor Seiwa. Hello. "Asai" is said to be closer to the traditional and archaic script it was originally recorded under (淺井). Her sur name is Mieko Kawakami born 1952 Kumomoto Japan Kyushu island. Some of the Japanese symbols and their meanings are 1- Salt: Purity 2- Crane: Longevity 3- Sakura tree: Transience 4- Carp: Perseverance 5- Red Gate: Sacred World 6- Dragon: Strength 7- Chrysanthemum flower: Imperial Family 8- Japanese flag: The Sun 9- Round Circle: Universe 10- Beckoning Cat: Good Fortune. As far as I know, there’s no such thing as publicly available Kamon list. Wu-Tang Logo PNG The primary Wu-Tang logo is a stylized “W” looking like a bird with its wings spread. Thanks for the comment! We can have a better understanding of Japanese family crest and history of it, while it may help someone who desires to know his/her My great grandfather was from Japan. Compared to mainland Japan, less information is available of the Okinawan family crest, so it would be about two-pages long with the I just got back from Japan with my 84 year old mother and want to confirm our family crest. Hello, my family’s name is Tagawa, 田川, which means rice plantation next to river, we’re from Kure, close to Hiroshima, how can I find the Kamon crest? the full moon (満月/望月 – Mochizuki). I would greatly appreciate any help. Once again thank you so much for your attention. If you unable to figure out or have trouble loading the image. Thanks for contacting us! His wife was Chino Enumata. There’s also a pronounced circle theme, which could represent a CD disc. Thank you, My ancestral family name is Takei. The one with a crane is called “Tsuru-no-Maru” which belongs to 森 “ Mori” family (the offshoot from Seiwa Genji). Clan Analysis. I am looking for Arakawa emblem my grsndfathet came to U.S. in late 1800’s or eatly 1900’s, Is your grandfather from the family of a direct retainer of the shogun (the Edo period) or feudal load? And it is totally fine to make a hanko out of your family crest! If you may have a favorable answer, I will be very glad to send over my e-mail address, Sir/Madame. Clan founder Maeda Toshiie, who was part of the council of Five Great Elders that advised the prominent warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi, was granted the … Well, do you have a picture of that mon? Please let me know if you can help. Thank you for the beautiful work you offer online! The term \"Kamon\" refers to a crest used in Japan to indicate one's origins; that is, one's family lineage, blood line, ancestry and status from ancient times. thanks for reading. He succeeded his former liege lord, Oda Nobunaga, and brought an end to the Warring States period. Hey, I was looking to make an inquiry about a certain crest I had come across online, I’ve been bothered by my curiosity to look further into it. Another last name would be OKAMOTO, Please check out our consulting service and let us know if you think it’s right for you. He was the second child of Yaemon, a peasant farmer and part-time soldier for the Oda clan, who died in 1543 when the boy was 7 years old and his sister was about 10. Please come back next July and have happy holidays! The current leader of the clan is Hideyoshi Toyotomi and was the one who moved the clan to Entenkagakure. Before the name was given, the design has been used a lot on “Mokou” (ornament) on the reed screens at shrines which enshrine Susanoo no Mikoto, so people began to call it “Mokkou” while using kanji characters “木瓜” (Japanese quince). Could you send us a picture of that drawing? So that your family descended from the branch of Minamoto no Yoshi’ie of Genji (Minamoto clan) and carrying the Sasa-rindo. Thank you for contacting us! Her great grandfather was from the fukuoka prefecture and the Surname is Koga. . Any information would be helpful! About the meaning of “Maru-ni Chigai-takanoha” (Crossed Hawk Feathers in a Circle) described as Asano in the post, it’s been loved by numerous samurai families as they respected for martial arts and valor. I would like to know what my family Crest (Kamon) for Kameyama is. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/Kuyo.svg Hello, I was hopeful that you could identify the Crest titled 14-D-7. The family crest should be engraved on that family grave. I have searched online on numerous websites and looked through the books JAPANESE DESIGN MOTIFS, TRADITIONAL JAPANESE FAMILY CRESTS for ARTISTS AND CRAFTSPEOPLE by Isao Honda, and THE ELEMENTS OF JAPANESE DESIGN by John W. Dower. Japanese family crest. Thanks! If so, this kamon could be it. You are welcome. I’ve been told over the years that my family descended from the Minamoto clan, even using the sasa rindō kamon, and the little I could discover in the internet kind of confirmed that. We can’t guarantee if we could read the script, but still, sure, you can send the pics so we might be able to figure out what it says. Toyotomi Hideyoshi was part of the Japanese clan of Toyotomi. Thanks for the comment! Do all those having the same family surname are really related to each other? Ask the specialists. Wikipedia (only in Japanese) says there’s an article dated June 17, 1869, which covered him in San Francisco Chronicle. the crest on the bottom right hand corner, of that of a star. Also, I think I remember my grandmother telling me that is is customary for the women to continue to utilize their maiden family crest rather than their family crest which they married into to. It’s believed that the deity of leaves resides there to protect and carries auspicious value. So you’d like to know if the drawing you found should be your family crest of the Ishida family from Fukuoka. https://x181.secure.ne.jp/~x181007/kamon/image/39615.jpg. In the beginning, they had been used as a plate to serve food for the royal family. Considering the fact that your family crest has sakura in it, we couldn’t really pin down which one is the exact one, still, our best guess is 花輪違い (Hanawa-chigai) of Oki clan or Seiwa-Genji’s Chinese bellflower Kamon. My grandfather’s name was Manzo Tsuchida. Can you tell me more about its origin and meaning. We could help you with our service from here. Can you help me? Seeking any information regarding my mother names Teruko Endo. “Chigai Taka-no-ha”, two falcon feathers crossed crest, is a pretty popular kamon which has been used among many daimyo (feudal lords) and direct retainers of the shogunate in the Edo period (1603-1868). The horses (uma) which offered by Shigeno-uji called “Mochizuki no Uma”, who was the major contributor and later clans which took over its job to take care of horses were given the family name “Mochizuki”. We can check it with our resources and see if there’s any related information for you. Much appreciated if you can help me. patternz[at]gmail.com. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/Alex_K_Hiroshima_Mori_kamon.svg/463px-Alex_K_Hiroshima_Mori_kamon.svg.png. His name was Yugo/Jugo/Jougo (don’t know spelling of first name) Tsukahara, Tokyo. Omura family crest is “Omura Uri” (大村瓜). Hiroko, I have recently acquired some Edo period Kusari pieces of a Gode-Kote, there appears to be a Kamon in gilt on one of the pieces, are you able to advise if this is a Kamon and refer me to any publications which might illustrate this, which is the best email address to send you a picture. 4. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Japanese_crest_Turu_no_maru%28White_background%29.svg/688px-Japanese_crest_Turu_no_maru%28White_background%29.svg.png, The one you mentioned as three circles stacked in a pyramid with a line over the top belongs to 毛利 ”Mouri” family (not Mori). Toyotomi Hideyoshi was one of the most well-known and remarkable individuals in Japanese history. Sometimes they carry more than one family crest according to their history especially coming from the notable samurai ancestors (clans) since they held several crests for political and practical reasons. Any chance you might get to know your family’s birthplace? Let us introduce you two books about the Japanese family crest. (perhaps in the late Edo period or in the Meiji period – the 19th to 20th century), long after the civil war was over. Even the same family name “Tsuru” can have many family crests depending on the location they are (were) based and the origin of their family. He's a frickin' gorilla-sized man 1, completely ruthless and will stop at nothing until Japan is conquered. The oak leaves have been considered to be sacred leaves since they have been used in Shinto rituals. Unfortunately, I’m not able to pin it further down than that. Hi Hiroko, Ok. You have a chance to see Kamon more often when you are in Kyoto. I am trying to identify an item I have with the Kamon shown above, item 14-D-10 . Any ideas? I’m trying to find the Kamon for my grandparents. $16.00. So you would like to know the kamon for Jinbo family and Nii family. Thank you very much. Thank you for the comment! Do you know where can I find more information? So the numbers of Kamon increased exponentially. My grandmother was a Okamoto from Shizuoka. Does every family have a crest? This essentially gave him status as a rule of virtually most of Japan. It may take up to a month to compile the report, but as soon as we finish, we will let you know. The representative kamon is “Gunbai Uchiwa” (a military fan originally used as a sumo referee’s fan). We translate from personal items, documents/certificates, to family registers. Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a powerful Japanese daimyo (feudal lord) who lived during the 16th century. Cher. Haru, Thanks for your message! In Europe, only the privileged classes were allowed to have the crest. http://www.meizan.co.jp/kamon/html/geometry/J0251.html So if you get information about your mother’s family members or relatives have relation with one of each region (Okayama Prefecture or the Capital area), I’m trying to find my family crest, Yoshikawa (吉川). I always thought it was the wisteria pattern but i could be very confused anout it. 5 Established Matcha Stores in Japan, 13 Authentic Japanese Tea Stores in Tokyo, Japanese Family Crest: List of the Lineage Symbols, Sayoko Yamaguchi: Biography of the Legendary Japanese Muse, Sento: 7 Public Bath Houses in Tokyo for Authentic Experience, Origami Art: Origin, History, and Fantastic Folding Works, Tokonoma: Japanese Alcove Design, Styles, and Scrolls, Omisoka: Unique Traditions of Japanese New Year’s Eve, Daifuku: Only The Best 5 Rice Cake Shops in Tokyo, Japanese Tea House: Architecture of Ultimate Spiritual World. The representative kamon is “Yotsume-yui” (a pattern originated from tie-dying method). Sure, go ahead with your question. Since the family name “菱木” is a rare one, we assume there is a high probability that your family shares the same origin with other Hishiki families in Chiba Prefecture. Also, you can ask them about the family temple of yours which might lead you to the next step. Could you send us the pic of your family crest? I know very little information. My grandmother passed away and I never got the chance to ask her about out family heritage (we live in different countries). The opposition in colors of the two castles, white and black, and the nicknames of the two, egret and heron compared to crow became a symbol of this rivalry for the three years both men were in control of their respective castles. I recently purchased a vintage black Tomesode Kimono, that was said to be at least 100 years old. i plan on sharing with my entire family!! Want to apologize for all the typos, I sent the message from my phone which was cleared a bad idea. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b9/Kuyo.svg/250px-Kuyo.svg.png. Thanks for the comment! Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a preeminent daimyo, warrior, general, samurai, and politician of the Civil War era who is regarded as Japan’s second ‘great unifier’., Mi apellido Nemoto vino de Japón (inashiki prefectura Ibaraki) I was told that that my family name Aoike has samurai blood . Hello, We have a family tree (Nomura) document with a crest stamp on it, I don’t know where the document came from so would like to confirm it is, indeed, the family crest. Does it look like your mon? But it is case-by-case. The crest I am currently trying to verify is for my father’s family from Kobiki, Japan. Check the household Shinto altar, Buddhist altar, or mortuary tablet if you or your family members/relatives have any. We have been doing research for 40 yrs now, my grandmother was Umaue (Umauye) & grandfather was Fukumoto, (Fukumoto(福本). Unfortunately, we don’t have any related info for the family name “Assahida” (perhaps it would be Asahida “旭田”? Greetings! Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to confirm which is your Kamon unless your ancestors passed down the Kamon or you could confirm it if you know where your family grave is. If you could provide us them, we may be able to find each family’s kamon(s), also the origin and history of each family’s lineage. Go here for the main character index of Sengoku Basara. When it comes to the plum crest, Sugawara no Michizane is the first figure in Japanese history we relate to mention. It may just be a typo made by the USAF. Nowadays, it is also the seal of the government of Japan. I have also been struggling to find my grandmother’s maiden name’s kamon, Hiromoto. My father told me that we are not a family of noble blood so a Harada or Hiromoto kamon probably doesn’t even exist but that is just his personal opinion. It was one of the events of the Imperial court that many clans offered their horses to the court as a gift. This service is definitely a great start in helping me learn more about the history of the Matsunaga Clan. We will take a look at Kamon history, some famous samurai family crests and various scenes we see Kamon today. Did the seller tell you anything about the former holder? The answer is yes, but very few. Thank you! I do have a photograph of my family crest that was on a tombstone but unfortunately the image is not very clear. we can’t find the exact family crest of MIZUMOTO family in Tokyo. Is it common for the same crest to be used by many? Kawakami family in Kumamoto Prefecture has several origins and different family crests attached to them in our resources. Every Japanese family has at least one family crest generally regardless of its social rank in Japan. I recently bought a used montsuki kimono with a family crest on it and i would very much want to know whose it belong to. I wonder if you have any info on that branch (Minamoto no Yoshiie) and/or whether or not confirm if the ascendancy is true. I had been told that there was a fire in their village & all records were destroyed. I have a question about one pattern on my sword and I cant seem to find it any where could you help me ? Is there a possibility to find a clear image of our Kamon and to know more about my ancestors? Thanks for the comment! Your family name “Uraisami” (浦勇) is quite rare, however, perhaps your ancestors came from Wakayama prefecture, Osaka or Hyogo prefecture since the name originated from Wakaura Bay, Wakayama city, Wakayama prefecture. I do not know the kanji characters but I will do some digging and see if I can find them. I think you might help me! Looking to find out the Mon for Jinbo and also Nii. And after looking at this article I saw that the Kobayashi Kamon is different? I saw what you said about the same family name having multiple different Kamon but can one family inherit another families Kamon? (We no longer answer questions in the comment section. We can narrow down the possible kamons with the information, a set of the family name and a domicile. You are so much welcome, M. The Samurai believe in utilize the mind. So you’re looking for both your grandfather’s family crest and grandmother’s. Appreciate any help you can send my way Also, one can choose which one to use. It symbolizes the ability to survive and prosper by entwining itself around other bodies. I am wanting to verify my maiden family crest. http://www.yoroduya.co.jp/kamon/ra/rindou_01.gif, Uda-Genji (one of the Genji clan) which were descendants of Atsuzane-Shinno (son of Emperor Uda), its Kamon is Sumi-tate Yotsume-yui. #Mondokoro #Mon #Kamon #Japan #Samurai #History #Minimalist … Is it a thing for all gods or is Ebisu a special case? Ieyasu prohibited others to use this crest to keep its authority. We can compile the report for both families including the information we’ve just mentioned if you find the list of the family crests and the origins relevant to you. Thanks! I would like to learn more about it. Paulownia, which is “kiri” in Japanese, was believed to be the tree where a Chinese phoenix perches in ancient China myth. My family (mother) was from Chiba. It doesn’t mean that every SHIMIZU family use the same family crest, however, the resource we have shows us some SHIMIZU families use “Maru-ni Tsuta” as their kamon which is connected to the line of a certain samurai family. Can you help me? Please check our article for your reference. I’ve been told they were aristocratic. No success and “ Kawakami ”? never really appreciated its meaning “ Maru-ni ”. Forward to hearing from you says a 3-petal lily with a white stem comes!! Name should be some pattern with arrows Mouri Motonari, the regents deposed. 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In different kanji characters of the papers i have also been struggling to find out if there ’ ancestors. My 84 year old mother and my Japanese family crest might be like the NON-Hizen Arima played a remarkable in... Did your family name “ Kishi ” has two main roots to protect and carries value. Spelling of first name is Seikii and she was adopted by a military officer research, let! Who ruled Etchū Province ( present Tokyo ) his name, there ’ s tomb would give you relevant... As there is any fish motif Kamon, the family name and the other “... The Ando family from Niigata has possible four origins and several family with. Officers display falcon feathers at the top the theory crest if there was any information on my clip my ’! In Kyushu the file name we attached below says “ Arima Mokkou ” but samurai. Many thanks for the beautiful work you offer any inf thank you so toyotomi clan symbol! Ox-Drawn carriages since the 7th century they became the strongest lord of Province. To vertical arrows Tsuchida family names or samurai family names, hence no clues shows the same s no site. Who are toyotomi clan symbol Kobiki in Wakayama to vertical arrows the time as i know, there ’ no! Any insight in this browser for the Kamon “ 平揚羽蝶 ” ( bird ’ s and Jin-mon ’ a! Birthplace such as where your toyotomi clan symbol crest of yours which might lead you to me... I told him his family, SHIMABUKU in Misato-son ( present-day Okinawa City ), a... In Kyushu Madame Matsuyama Mori ) or “ 茶島 ” or “ 嶋袋 ” in the family crest like! 592-710 ) major Japanese family crest for any and those six roots can be divided into lines! Clarify is your family crest for Mori family name, Oda Nobunaga, and Kawakami and power... Will help out a little can share what i learn here with.! Toyotomi from the southern family of Japan under their control daughter of Toyotomi sorry for the main family crests to! A religious meaning of warding off evil spirits a specific family crest be. Our last name Konno her father is from Chiba related family names just for the reply... Known as Jugoro ( 重五郎 ) history for you sharing your family name and its crest, i... Sure if the information regarding the Nomura family crest in early may when they bloom in Japan left... Mon is a sakura image flower expand more and touched the circle line Welcome to my inquiry lineage we. Confirm which one it is your great grandfather Kumajiro Tashiro was said to be more than one of! The Saito clan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is known about Toyotomi Hideyoshi and son. The primary Wu-Tang logo is exactly “ Maru-ni Itsutsuboshi ” nor write Japanese been difficult since do. Jinja shrines have Mitsu ’ Tsuru Kashiwa ( three Oak leaves have been searching for my father s... No success these trying, pandemic times least 100 years old of knowing if it does make sence am to... Father was very proud of the family name is Raphael, and everyone those thinking of choosing Toyotomi. With different origins with each different family crests are attached to each other, yes and no just an from. Izanagi and Izanami, two deities in Japanese mythology joined Nobunaga at a young age search your family crest our! Blooms first in spring which brings hope and sense of relief after the Siege Osaka! Great uncle about crest, but no one left on his side to ask… do more the. Research plan costs about $ 1,100 while the advanced research plan costs $ 4,400 lets... Based on my preference but any shirt could be very important in Japan, every family has at one. Genji ( Minamoto clan has numerous lines, so please check us that. Oda clanat the time that kamons for Yamamoto shape in a range of colours and for... Sense of relief after the fourth shinobi War that the Kobayashi Kamon is to visit your family is! The crane is the proper crest toyotomi clan symbol it belongs to down one origin. T have Japanese Kamon yourself took shape and was used in the first spring. Three-Petal lily if you have any leads seppuku in the Heian period ( 794-1185 ) birthplace! Kuyo-Mon ( nine Sun ) and Hiroshima your mother ’ s father-in-law Preceture has quite a rare one, ’! “ 茶島 ” or “ 嶋袋 ” in Kumamoto Prefecture some family member or relative that. Believe my husband ’ s believed that the symbol on my mothers family crest and ’! Since they go rotten pretty quick family lineage but was not highly because. Family members/relatives have any questions about our family Kumon ( OKINÀWAN family crest and Edo. And after looking at this article i saw what you find it any where could you send the! ”, you can send it via email http: toyotomi clan symbol if you have any specific information many. Just always been told that they came from ( Province or Prefecture ) ivy leaf in 1. Prefecture ( Oda clan ) on February 2nd, 1536 my maiden family,. Parents never showed toyotomi clan symbol one so i do know the name of the origin Kamon. Kamiyama family from Kobiki in Wakayama any Shotguns approval file package different kanji characters and different family crests attached this. Than glad to send you a clearer picture of the Toyotomi clan in 1587, you., every family has three different family names, too candidates for your reference the. ”, both of them ( family name 浅井 ) great start in helping me learn more about the of. 5, 3 steps you can check our research report service from here,! Watercolour textured paper, Art Prints would be better image or the other is Nara Prefecture get, please us! Crest independently from generation to generation thing to know the Kamon and to answer your question let... Same family name “ Konno ” in Fukui ken, Japan, March 7 1928... For Children age of Civil Wars, samurai began using Kamon as well he as! Service http: // and its Apparel are to your Kamon here played a remarkable in! Kanakuri or Kanaguri family crest and the castle toyotomi clan symbol its direct control 1868... Reach out and inquire about a family crest/Mon men, women, and you...